I concluded the year by attending a summit at the Buck Institute of Longevity to listen to doctors from around the world discuss the latest in science and innovation on the topic of extending lifespan. While the experience was invigorating as it reaffirmed Optime’ is on the right path. I feel the summit missed the mark…resoundingly! It left me wondering how did these leading specialists allow this to happen? Simply put, they were asking the wrong question; and as we know, even the right answer to the wrong question is ultimately wrong. It reminded me of the story of Tithonus and the Greek myth of the Trojan prince who asked for and was granted immortality by Zeus. Unfortunately, Tithonus did not request eternal youth, thus while he could not die, he continued to decline and diminish as the years passed.
The topic of longevity was discussed with the latest data and studies on peptides like Ozempic and immune boosters such as Rapamyacin; the two drugs that everyone is asking about. But rather than asking a quantitative question of longevity, wouldn’t the better question have been how to improve one’s quality of life with vitality and a qualitative premise? And here in lies the rub. If you focus on vitality, the byproduct is longevity; in addition to looking, feeling and performing your best. Thus, as I reflect on last year’s struggles and accomplishments I look to the New Year with optimism, because I know that Optime’ is asking the right question of how to live your best life with vitality!
There was one doctor that stood out head and shoulders above the rest. Dr. Dean Ornish M.D. lectured on the 3 P’s, Purpose, Posse, and Play. So simple, so true. You see when you make health and vitality your purpose, it improves your physical, cognitive and emotional strength. It makes you to be the best that you can be in all facets in life. Combine that with your “posse” the people you surround yourself with, then mix in an ample amount of “play” to support the first two P’s and voila, you have the lifestyle for sustained success. With this formula in place you will have vitality to thrive.
So how do we start with making ones health our purpose? Simple answer: Know your data.
What is your body composition and more importantly your LMM (lean muscle mass)? The more muscle you have the longer your healthspan and lifespan.
How is your sleep. Do you get eight hours per night with quality deep and REM sleep?
How is your gut and digestive health? Latest studies show the microbiome is linked to the entire body.
What is your V02max, cardio respiratory, muscular, and nervous systems?
Do you have inflammation? It is the “gasoline” that accelerates disease from arthritis to cancer.
How is your mobility? There are six tests that serve as a looking glass as to how you will be moving by age 74, the average American lifespan.
How is your strength: grip, deadlift, push up & plank. All key indicators of your biological age.
So join me and the team and focus on those 3 P’s to kick off 2025 with a great start to an optimal life! Ps..The picture above is from a cycling camp I hosted in the French Alpes. I found personally that vitality soars when you combine the 3 P’s with career.
Coach Joel
January Savings:
January Savings:
30% off on all diagnostics: V02 and FTP (Functional Threshold Power)
Performance: physical assessment of strength, body composition, mobility, more
All strength training packages